Holden Head: A Day Goes By

April 19 – May 17, 2025

Atrium Gallery

 1. Holden Head (American, born 1990), Stop, 2024, door stoppers, wood, synchronous motor, 12 x 12 x 4 inches, courtesy of the artist. 

Holden Head (American, born 1990), Stop, 2024, door stoppers, wood, synchronous motor, 12 x 12 x 4 inches, courtesy of the artist. Photo credit: Holden Head.

Each spring, the Hallie Ford Museum of Art pairs its annual senior studio art majors’ exhibition with a small solo exhibition of recent work by one of the permanent, adjunct, or visiting faculty members in the art department. The purpose of the exhibition is to demonstrate the continuing connections and relationships among student and faculty research. This year’s faculty member is Holden Head (American, born 1990), a visiting assistant professor in sculpture. His exhibition opens April 19 and continues through May 17, 2025, in the Atrium Gallery.

Holden Head was born in Nashville, Tennessee, and educated at the Watkins College of Art, where he earned a BFA degree in 2016, and the University of Chicago, where he earned an MFA degree in 2020. Head currently works in sculpture, with an emphasis on figurative sculpture and performance art. The exhibition will feature new work from the past two years, and Head will discuss his work in a gallery talk on Tuesday, May 6 in the Atrium Gallery beginning at 12 noon; admission is free.

Financial Support

Holden Head: A Day Goes By has been supported by general operating support grants from the City of Salem's Transient Occupancy Tax funds and the Oregon Arts Commission.

Holden Head (American, born 1990), Swish, 2024, horse tail, mdf, Arduino, servo motor, 60 x 12 x 5 inches, courtesy of the

Holden Head (American, born 1990), Swish, 2024, horse tail, mdf, Arduino, servo motor, 60 x 12 x 5 inches, courtesy of the artist. Photo credit: Holden Head.

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