Nancy Parker, "W23 Energy" (detail), 1968, color screen print.
Turned On!: The American Blacklight Poster, 1967-71
May 13 – July 16, 2017
Study Gallery
Organized by artist Gary Westford and drawn from his personal collection, Turned On!: The American Blacklight Poster, 1967-71 offers viewers an opportunity to experience the fun of stepping into a 60s style blacklight room with 10 posters as well as an Op art dress.

Andy Warhol, "Campbell's Soup Can (Tomato) (II.4a), unlimited edition", 1966, screen print on paper shopping bag.
The 60s: Pop and Op Art Prints from the Collection of Jordan D. Schnitzer and His Family Foundation
May 13 – October 22, 2017
Print Study Center
Organized by Director John Olbrantz, this exhibition explores how the Pop and Op art movements influenced the development of psychedelic posters and fashion in San Francisco in the late 1960s.
Image GalleryCompanion ExhibitionsBehind the Beyond Related EventsEnter to Win an Original 1960s Poster
Artist unknown, "The Ark, Sausalito Dance Concert" (detail), October 6, 1967, offset lithograph
Behind the Beyond: Psychedelic Posters and Fashion in San Francisco, 1966-71
June 3 – August 27, 2017
Melvin Henderson-Rubio Gallery
Organized by artist Gary Westford and drawn from his extensive personal collection in celebration of the 50th anniversary of “The Summer of Love,” this exhibition features more than 100 iconic posters, historic photographs, and related ephemera that highlight the development of the “psychedelic” art style. Twenty examples of clothing chart the influence of psychedelia on the worlds of both street and high fashion. The exhibition will also feature a light show by Bill Ham who created the revolutionary swirling backdrops to many legendary rock concerts of the time.
Image GalleryCompanion ExhibitionsRelated EventsEnter to Win an Original 1960s PosterPress Release
Artist unknown, Woven dance arm band (detail), cane, nassa shells and pigments, 11.25 x 6.25 x 1.5 in., gift of David Eisler, collection of the Hallie Ford Museum of Art at Willamette University, Salem, OR, 2014.023.021. Photo: Dale Peterson.
Capturing the Power of the Spirit World: Ritual Objects from Northeast Papua New Guinea
July 29 – October 22, 2017
Study Gallery
Objects from Northeast Papua New Guinea displaying rich and diverse artistic tradition, gifted to the Hallie Ford Museum of Art and organized by David Eisler.Image GallerySpecial Lecture
Rick Bartow, "Crow Shadow" (detail), 2013, lithograph
Crow's Shadow Institute of the Arts at 25
September 16 – December 22, 2017
Melvin Henderson-Rubio Gallery
This exhibition chronicles the history of Crow’s Shadow over the past 25 years as it emerged as an important native printmaking atelier located on the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation near Pendleton, Oregon.
Image GalleryRelated EventsTeachers GuideArtistsAbout Crow's Shadow Institute of the ArtsHallie Ford Museum of Art and the Crow's Shadow Institute of the Arts
nic & sloy: side by side
November 4, 2017 – January 28, 2018
Study Gallery and Print Study Center
Salem artists Dave and Sandra Nichols (under the pseudonyms “nic” and “sloy”) create new interpretations of archaic myths and customs from combinations of found objects and fragments of language.
MK Guth, "Dinner to Plan a Revolution," 2016
MK Guth: Paying Attention
January 20 – March 31, 2018
Melvin Henderson-Rubio Gallery
MK Guth is a nationally-recognized Portland, Oregon conceptual artist and Associate Professor at the Pacific Northwest College of Art. The exhibition features a range of earlier site-specific installations that are intended to illuminate how social interaction is shaped through rites and treasured objects, as well as a series of new site-specific installations that activate objects from the Hallie Ford Museum of Art’s permanent collection, and Willamette’s archives, that encourage visitors to interact with them.
Jan Sadeler (Flemish, 1550-1600), after Maerten de Vos (Flemish, 1532-1603), "The Separation of Light and Darkness" (detail), 1587
Holy Beauty: Northern Renaissance Prints Discovered in an Early English Bible
February 10 – April 29, 2018
Study Gallery, Print Study Center and the Maribeth Collins Lobby
Organized by Professor Ricardo De Mambro Santos, the exhibition explores the fascinating history of the Hexham Abbey Bible, a rare 17th-century English Bible that was printed in Cambridge, England in 1629. The Bible includes many Dutch and Flemish prints made by artists during the last half of the 16th century that were inserted into the volume after it was printed.

again (Senior Studio Art Majors Exhibition 2018)
April 14 – May 13, 2018
Melvin Henderson-Rubio Gallery
Each spring, the Hallie Ford Museum of Art features the work of senior art majors at Willamette University. The exhibition represents the culmination of their four years at Willamette.

James B. Thompson, "Permanent Green" (detail), ©2017
James B. Thompson | Water is Sacred: Water is Life
April 14 – May 13, 2018
Atrium Gallery
Each spring, the Hallie Ford Museum of Art pairs its annual senior art majors exhibition with a small solo exhibition of recent work by one of the faculty members in the art department at Willamette University. This year, the exhibition will focus on recent work by Professor James B. Thompson (American, born 1951), who teaches courses in painting, printmaking, drawing, and design.

Robert Bibler, "The Submersion (After Michelangelo)" (detail), 1997
Robert Bibler: Works on Paper
May 12 – July 15, 2018
Study Gallery, Print Study Center
For more than 40 years, Robert Bibler (American, born 1948) has combined a fascination with cinematic storytelling, classic film, and Renaissance art to create a beautifully rendered and thoughtful body of work. This exhibition features drawings and mixed media works on paper created by Bibler between 1974 and 2017.