Jim Riswold," Red Chinese Doll (in Kate Spade)" (detail), 2015-16, color digital print
Jim Riswold: Undignified
June 2 – August 26, 2018
Melvin Henderson-Rubio Gallery and the Maribeth Collins Lobby
Portland, Oregon, artist Jim Riswold takes viewers on an fun-filled and irreverent art journey as he pokes fun at taboo figures such as Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Mao Zedong, General George Custer, Vladimir Lenin, and Kim Jong Un, among others.
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Robert Von Neumann (American, 1888-1976), "The Six Net Menders" (detail), 1935, aquatint.
Strength and Dignity: Images of the Worker from the Permanent Collection
July 28 – October 21, 2018
Study Gallery and Print Study Center
European and American prints and photographs from the Hallie Ford Museum of Art's permanent collection depict scenes of workers and the working class from the late 19th century through the first half of the 20th century.
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Robert Von Neumann (American, 1888-1976), "The Six Net Menders" (detail), 1935, aquatint.
Strength and Dignity: Images of the Worker from the Permanent Collection
July 28 – October 21, 2018
Study Gallery and Print Study Center
European and American prints and photographs from the Hallie Ford Museum of Art's permanent collection depict scenes of workers and the working class from the late 19th century through the first half of the 20th century.
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Alison Saar (American, b. 1956), “Indigo Blue (Sea Island Pure),” 2016, ed. 2/3, intaglio, 12 x 11 3/4 inches, Collection of Jordan D. Schnitzer, 2016.90.
Witness: Themes of Social Justice in Contemporary Printmaking and Photography from the Collections of Jordan D. Schnitzer and His Family Foundation
September 15 – December 20, 2018
Melvin Henderson-Rubio Gallery
Drawn from the vast collections of Jordan D. Schnitzer and His Family Foundation, this exhibition explores issues of race, identity, and social justice in contemporary printmaking and photography from one of the legendary print collections in the United States.Image GalleryArtistsRelated EventsExhibition BookTeachers GuideJordan D. SchnitzerPress Release

Enrique Chagoya (American, born Mexico, 1953), “Expresses Nothing But the Self” (detail), 2015, Ed. 9/30, color lithograph, 20.5 x 24 inches, collection of Jordan D. Schnitzer, 2015.900
Enrique Chagoya: Reverse Anthropology, From the Collections of Jordan D. Schnitzer and His Family Foundation
November 3, 2018 – January 27, 2019
Study Gallery and Print Study Center
Some of the artwork in the exhibition contains mature themes; parental discretion is advised.
Enrique Chagoya is a nationally recognized Mexican American artist who teaches at Stanford University in California. The exhibition features a range of Chagoya's provocative and deceptively subversive prints that explore issues of immigration, colonialism, the economy, government, the commodifictation of art, and the recurring subject of cultural clash that continues to riddle contemporary life.
Image GalleryAbout the ArtistPress ReleaseJordan D. Schnitzer
Lucinda Parker, "Saraband," 1993
Lucinda Parker: Force Fields
January 19 – March 31, 2019
Melvin Henderson-Rubio Gallery
Lucinda Parker is a nationally recognized Portland, Oregon painter whose work is firmly rooted in the traditions of European and American modernism. The exhibition chronicles the artist’s career over the past fifty years, from her remarkably sophisticated paintings.
Related EventsImage GalleryExhibition MonographMore About the Artist: Russo Lee GalleryPress ReleaseTeachers Guide
Kypriaka Chronika: Tales of Ancient Cypriote Ceramics in West Coast Collections
February 9 – April 28, 2019
Study Gallery
Organized by professor and faculty curator Ann Nicgorski, the exhibition features twenty-two ceramic vessels and four figurines from the Early Bronze to Early Iron Age periods (c.2500-475 BCE) that have many tales to tell. As carefully crafted artifacts of daily life in Cyprus, an ancient crossroads of civilizations, they tell of local traditions in dialogue with cultural imports.
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Ian J. Cohn, "Lysandros Lysandrou, the shepherd" (detail), 1972
Ian J. Cohn: The Faces of Phlamoudhi
February 9 – April 28, 2019
Print Study Center
Ian J. Cohn (American, born 1950) is a New York architect and photographer. In 1972, while serving as the official photographer for the Columbia University archaeological expedition to Cyprus, Cohn began a personal study, documenting life in the small northern village of Phlamoudhi. Less than two years later, Turkey invaded Cyprus, forcibly displacing more than 155,000 citizens, including the entire population of the village.
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Alexandra Opie, "Enchinocystis lobata (wild cucumber)" (detail), 2016
Alexandra Opie: Wonder Box
April 20 – May 19, 2019
Atrium Gallery
Each spring, the Hallie Ford Museum of Art pairs its annual senior art majors exhibition with a small solo exhibition of recent work by one of the faculty members in the art department at Willamette University. This year, the exhibition will focus on recent work by Alexandra Opie (American, born 1974), who serves as chair of the art department and teaches courses in photography and electronic media.
(re-phrase) (Senior Studio Art Majors Exhibition 2019)
April 20 – May 19, 2019
Melvin Henderson-Rubio Gallery
Each spring, the Hallie Ford Museum of Art features the work of senior art majors at Willamette University. The exhibition represents the culmination of their four years at Willamette.